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A country I'd like to visit

Resultado de imagen para Roma

The country that I would like to visit is Italy, because my friend that I feel like my brother is from here, he comes to Chile on 2015 to study in Copiapo, and we as a family accept that he lives with us for a year. He always told me that I can go when I want; he can give me lodging, so I don't need to pay a hotel or a company to meet the places.
This country call my attention principally for the food, because I love the pastas and the pizza, and Italy is the paradise of this kind of food.
Now that I am studying design I know Italy is an important country in my career and a lot of my teacher from the university studied here, I hope one day I can travel to Italy and work or study something about design.
I would like to stay one year, no more, because I need to see my family here in Chile.


  1. I always wonder how will taste the pastas in Italy!

  2. It must be really cool to go there and even cooler to eat all those wonderful things.


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