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Mostrando entradas de 2019

Postgraduate studies

Hello, today I will talk about my posible postgraduate studies. I am in the second year of the design career, I am focused on the industrial area and I am sure that I will continue in it, but I am not sure what I want for my future in this career, neither I don't know what postgrades studies exist exactly, so I just will talk about the thing that I like continue learning in this possible postgrad studies. One of the reasons that I love this career is how I can guide my work to the entertainment, making toys or designing services funnies. Also everything related with the sustainability, because when I will finish this career the world will be so different in a worst sense, so I need to be ready, probably every work that I will have after the university wil have to be sustentable. So I hope can boost that abilities, and be a better professional. And finally how I said in the previous posts, I want to work with Disney, so everything that help me complete that goal I will a

My future job

Today I will write about the job that I like to havein the future. I am not sure about what is going to be of me in the next years, so these jobs are just suppositions. Now I am studding design and probably my future jobs will be related to the projects that I do now in class, so I am happy with my possibilities in the real world One of my biggest dream is have a job in Disney, I don´t care if is little, but I hope one day I could say that part of my job is in Disney, also I would not be sad if other big companies like Netflix or Riot contract me. I hope that my job makes me happy and I wish win a lot of money to buy everything without think in the cost. I am very close with my cousin, he is a brother to me, and when we were kids, we promised work making videogames, so I hope work on that too!

Free topic (My hobby)

Now I will talk about an activity I like to do in my free times, this hobby is about make masks. I started to do masks with paper, because I like Halloween and the costume is very important to me. I remember one Halloween that I bought latex to put directly in my face to looks like a zombie, but every thing went wrong, because I realized that I have a super sensitive skin and the make up hurt my face, the next day my face was completely red, so my parent forbade me use something with glue in my face, and after that Halloween I started to do mask for real, because the masks don't hurt me and the possibilities are infinites.  Now I have many masks the majority is about a terror theme, and I am trying to do an alien mask for this year, I hope finishing on time. I want to travel to Mexico, specifically at the University of Guadalajara, because they have special class about this hobby and I want to improve my abilities. Thanks.

Free topic (Somnambulism)

Today I will talk about my somnambulism and a stranger phase of my life. From I have memory, I always remember everything that I dream, and when I had 13 years old, I started to be sleepwalker every night. Sometimes I woke up in another rooms or sit down in my room, but the strangest night was when I stayed at my grandmother´s house with my aunt, I slept alone in one room and I wake up in my grandmother´s bed, it was weird because my aunt tell me that she were crying, because in the night they can´t control me, I was screaming and running or hitting myself, I don´t remember nothing and after that I am not more a somnambulist. I remember other moments when I was running while I was sleeping and my parents tried to stop me. I was somnambulism for a 3 year I think, and I did not see any movie all that time, because one doctor said that the movies probably were the reason. Now my little siblings are somnambulist, sometimes I can hear how they talk while are sleeping, even at

The best holiday /concert ever

The best holiday in my life probably is when I travel to Chiloe with my family, that was in 2017 and was amazing, The travel start in Copiapo, the city were my parents live, and then we take a plane to Santiago and finally another one to Chiloe. We rent a house between the river in a specific place so famous called "palafitos", so all days we wake up with beautiful view. Here in Chiloe, everything feels magic, the places that we discover were incredible and the food were perfect. I had a great time with my little siblings, because they are so funny  One day (the most special they for me) we travel to another little island in a boat and we taste the curanto with potato, then in the afternoon we return to Chiloe in the same boat, but we were so tired, so we sit down in the front of the boat and all fall asleep. I always remember these holidays; I hope that one day we could have another travel like this

A country I'd like to visit

The country that I would like to visit is Italy, because my friend that I feel like my brother is from here, he comes to Chile on 2015 to study in Copiapo, and we as a family accept that he lives with us for a year. He always told me that I can go when I want; he can give me lodging, so I don't need to pay a hotel or a company to meet the places. This country call my attention principally for the food, because I love the pastas and the pizza, and Italy is the paradise of this kind of food. Now that I am studying design I know Italy is an important country in my career and a lot of my teacher from the university studied here, I hope one day I can travel to Italy and work or study something about design. I would like to stay one year, no more, because I need to see my family here in Chile.