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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

Postgraduate studies

Hello, today I will talk about my posible postgraduate studies. I am in the second year of the design career, I am focused on the industrial area and I am sure that I will continue in it, but I am not sure what I want for my future in this career, neither I don't know what postgrades studies exist exactly, so I just will talk about the thing that I like continue learning in this possible postgrad studies. One of the reasons that I love this career is how I can guide my work to the entertainment, making toys or designing services funnies. Also everything related with the sustainability, because when I will finish this career the world will be so different in a worst sense, so I need to be ready, probably every work that I will have after the university wil have to be sustentable. So I hope can boost that abilities, and be a better professional. And finally how I said in the previous posts, I want to work with Disney, so everything that help me complete that goal I will a